
现如今鉴于环境的问题,work from home 的职缺多了起来,软件开发中的 wfh 需要的特别技能就显现出来了。

  • unit test 单元测试
  • code Coverage 代码覆盖率
  • Continuous Integration CI 持续集成
  1. 测试
    1. 并行执行 uitest
    2. 不要每次测试连uitest也一起执行
    3. 每个测试文件都添加到测试target是不是太费事
  2. 持续集成
    1. 2021-06-17目前 circle ci 只支持 Fastlane Match 的方式管理 code sign
  3. 问题
    1. code coverage report
    2. circleci 正则
    3. circleci cache
    4. ci 环境里部署 error: Missing private key for signing certificate. Failed to locate the private key matching certificate "xxxx" in the keychain.
    5. @testable import objective c
  4. 参考
    1. unit test
    2. ci & cd


并行执行 uitest

找了下方法还是比较容易操作的,但是ci上可能不容易要试过。Parallelizing UI Tests for iOS Applications


在 scheme 里 test → info → 勾掉 ui test


When you create a Unit Testing Bundle(Unit Testing target) for testing application you have two options:

  1. Enable Allow testing Host Application APIs
    General -> Host Application <app_name>-> >check< Allow testing Host Application APIs

    • slow build
  2. Add every app’s tested file into Target Membership

    • you should take care of classes dependencies which are used into testable class(they should be added too)

When you write a test and no one option was not enabled you can get

Undefined symbol: nominal type descriptor for <class_name>
Undefined symbol: type metadata accessor for<class_name></class_name></class_name></app_name>


2021-06-17目前 circle ci 只支持 Fastlane Match 的方式管理 code sign

Note: CircleCI only officially supports Fastlane Match for codesigning. Other methods may be used, but are not guaranteed to work and are unsupported.


code coverage report


这个貌似用的人最多,但是调试了半天,本地都跑不起来。错误一般都是类似这种 "find_binary_files": No product binary found,最后也没找到解决办法。

因为 slather 的失败,转而找到了这个方式
很快的本地直接就跑好了,大喜感觉靠谱多了,但是跑到 ci 环境里确出现了一个恼人的问题 ould not find option 'workspace' in the list of available options:,很难查到原因,又耽误了半天。
开始升级了 fastlane 试试看,不行;最后也是试出了解决方法也就是 bundle update,也是,也就是环境的问题了。

CircleCI 2.0 + fastlane + Slather でコードカバレッジの変化を Slack に通知する

circleci 正则

circleci 提供了一种区分branch的方法,可以用来区分branch来做任务

  version: 2
      - buildDevelop: # only for develope branch
          filters:  # using regex filters requires the entire branch to match
              only: /^[^0-9]*/ # only branches matching the below regex filters will run
      - buildBeta: # for release branch
          filters:  # using regex filters requires the entire branch to match
              only: /^[0-9]*/
      - buildProduct: # for release branch
          filters:  # using regex filters requires the entire branch to match
              only: /^[0-9]*/

java.util.regex Class Pattern
Using Workflows to Schedule Jobs

circleci cache

可以先用 brew doctor 看看问题
然后我这里是需要 brew link 相关的 package
然后 brew link a b c 基本上就可以了

# cache brew install
      - restore_cache:
            - homebrew-v1
      - run:
          name: cache check for package stuff & install/setup if not cached
          command: |
            brew update
            # 处理icon图片相关
            [ ! -d /usr/local/Cellar/librsvg ] && brew install librsvg && echo "done installing librsvg"
            [ ! -d /usr/local/Cellar/imagemagick ] && brew install imagemagick && echo "done installing imagemagick"
            # 此目录并没有保存
            # ls -al /usr/local/opt
            ls -al /usr/local/Cellar/imagemagick
            ls -al /usr/local/Cellar/librsvg
            echo $PATH
            echo $BASH_ENV
            echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/imagemagick/7.1.0-2_1/bin:$PATH"' >> $BASH_ENV
            echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/librsvg/2.50.7/bin:$PATH"' >> $BASH_ENV
            echo $SHELL
            echo $PATH
            echo $BASH_ENV
            source $BASH_ENV
            # rsvg-convert -v
            # magick -version
            brew cleanup
      - save_cache:
          key: homebrew-v1
            - /Users/distiller/Library/Caches/Homebrew #shorten brew update
            - /usr/local/Homebrew #shorten brew update
            - /usr/local/opt
            - /usr/local/Cellar #shorten brew install

ci 环境里部署 error: Missing private key for signing certificate. Failed to locate the private key matching certificate "xxxx" in the keychain.

这个问题已经持续了大半天了,不知道还要多久解决,感觉定位到了 keychain 上,但还没搞定哈。
终于还是解决 Manually manage the fastlane match Repo ,还是官方的文档靠谱。

Manually manage the fastlane match Repo
Github actions + Fastlane + iOS = ❤
iOS Continuous Deployment with Fastlane 🚀
macos keychain access

@testable import objective c

在 swift 里可以直接集成 main target 所有的方法,这样就不用一个个将要测试的文件勾选到测试 target 里了,当然这种方式方便了,就是build速度上会有影响。
但是如果是 oc 项目没有 @testable 关键字使用的话,应该怎么弄?
这里给出了答案 When do app sources need to be included in test targets?


unit test

How to make your unit tests run faster

ci & cd

iOS Continuous Deployment Using Travis CI and Fastlane
使用fastlane match自动和手动管理证书
Build and Deploy your iOS app with Github Actions and Fastlane
iOS CI/CD with GitHub Actions
iOS TestFlight Deploy With GitHub Actions
苹果开发最便捷的持续集成方案—Xcode Server
CircleCI Vs. GitLab: Choosing The Right CI/CD Tool并且这图表也太好看了
migrate to circleci 2.0 in iOS with fastlane
Fastlane/Jenkins:一人團隊也用得上的 Continuous Delivery 系統
代码覆盖率 (Code Coverage)从简到繁 (一)