就在刚刚,iMac 风扇疯狂作响,一看 launchd 进程每秒 30+M 的数据写入量,持续写入,厉害了。
ps. 可能误会磁盘的问题了,原来是 source tree 的问题,请往下看。
Try to use the lsof utility
sudo lsof -p 1 # or sudo lsof -p $(ps -U root | grep -w "/sbin/launch
EDIT There are can be other user launchd processes running with different process IDs, run
ps aux | grep sbin/launchd
To check PIDs of other instances of launchd.
It should list opened files by launchd. Try that to find there something suspicious. You can also try an app called fseventer, it shows read/write events to the filesystem, or use app like Grand Perspective or Disk Inventory X to find this newly created huge file and investigate further what it is.
source tree 登录账号后,导致 securityd cpu 长期稳定 20%
source tree 新版也一样,导致稳定的 securityd & trustd 稳定 cpu 各 20%,cpu core 温度稳定在 90度左右,难怪风扇大作。
解决方法就是去 keychain 找到 sourcetree 相应的密钥,全部删除即可。
securityd hight cpu
trustd high cpu
- sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/
- Backup & delete the “system.keychain” file
- cd /Librery/Keychains
- restart
launchd with high disk usage
securityd using 100% CPU and polluting system.log